Here you will find a general description of what is for homework. If you need a copy of the handouts, they will be uploaded to my link on the side bar. Once in the file, select the correct folder for what we are currently studying. Most handouts are there, however some may need to be picked up in class as I do not have a digital version.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

nov 9,2010

Create a gmail account if you do not already have one. You can email me your gamil address to
You need to bring your signed agendas-internet user agreements for Friday's class as we will be in the lab.

If you haven't finished reading Max please try and finish reading it.
If you didn't finsh your notes on the Anglo Saxons and Celts finish them for Friday as well as we will be using them for our computer project.

Eng 11

Read over the Macbeth assignment and think about what scene you want to present and who you want to work with. If you can bring a laptop to class on Friday.