Here you will find a general description of what is for homework. If you need a copy of the handouts, they will be uploaded to my link on the side bar. Once in the file, select the correct folder for what we are currently studying. Most handouts are there, however some may need to be picked up in class as I do not have a digital version.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Feb 25, 2010

Watch the Olympics
If you have not finished your novel you had better finish it as it was supposed to be finished today.

ENg 11

You are reading your lit circle novels and marking them with your post its looking for moments, quotes etc that connect to your key terms.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

feb 23,2010


Due thurs feb 25 Plague interview and your journal on your readings you iscussed in class today. Remember to make a connection and you want to talk about the importance of your character's role in the world. (Only if you didn't finish in class).

ENg 11

Lit circles- 3post its for your readings,begin to think about your tasks.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thurs Feb 18

This will be the post for Fri and what is due Tuesday.There will not be a post tomorrow.

Hum 8
COntinue to read your novels and mark your three post its with examples of TIPL.
Your ABC Olympic books are due on Tuesday Feb. 23.
Work on your plague interviews as well. They are due Thursday Feb 25.

Eng 11
We are beginning Lit circles. IF you do not have your novel, please get your novel for class. You also need sticky notes to mark text as we work through your novels.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Feb 12,2010


Olympic book due fri Feb 19.. You will hand in the entire book. You will be presenting to the class your three favourite letters.

YOur course planning sheets are due Fri Feb 19th as well. I will be collecting them. They are the PINK sheets in your blue course planning booklets that went home today.

Due Wed Feb 17-In role and on your scroll journal: How was I affected by the plague?

Eng 11

MEdia Critique due Wed Feb 17.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Feb 10, 2010


Due Fri Feb 12

Reading journal-see last post for instructions.
Bring any Olympic info to work on your aBC Olympic book.

Due Wed Feb 17-In role and on your scroll journal: How was I affected by the plague?

Eng 11
MEdia Critique due Wed Feb 17. You should try and get a draft completed for fri in order that I can give you some feedback. YOu will have Fri. class to work on your critique as well.

Monday, February 8, 2010

feb 8,2010


Journal entry-reading journal Due Fri Feb 12.  What are you noticing about your character? How does TIPL influence and affect your character? Make, develop and explain a connection about your character.

Current Events- Due Fri Feb 19 ABC book on the Olympics.  For this fri bring in material, picture, anything you can find off the internet, etc as you will have one block to work on your book, poster etc. COme prepared to use the class time wisely.

ENG 11
Think  about the two videos.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Feb 4, 2010


Lit Circles- Read what your group has decided. Mark your test with 3 post its about your character. What s/he says, does, looks likes, reacts  to , interacts with, feels, etc...

Mind Map- If you didn't add enough detail in class today-add more branches  this weekend. We will be doing a gallery walk on Monday and your Mindmap will be up on the wall. Draft form is fine.

Eng 11

Work on filling out your movie chart

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Current events summative choice article. Select one of your best current event formative articles that I have given you feedback on. Fill out the sheet which I gave youtoday in class. Submit why it is your best one.

Read what your group has decided for lit circles. Every group has selected different readings. The novels have to be done by the end of FEb.

Eng 11

Choice summative blog piece. YOu have four blog entries to choose from. Please select one, take my feedback, edit it and submit it with the rubric for Thursday.