Here you will find a general description of what is for homework. If you need a copy of the handouts, they will be uploaded to my link on the side bar. Once in the file, select the correct folder for what we are currently studying. Most handouts are there, however some may need to be picked up in class as I do not have a digital version.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

ENG 11 Summative Task Identity

Here is your final task. It is also on the class blog.



How are people transformed through their relationships with others?

How does what I know about the world shape the way we view ourselves?

How do our personal experiences shape our views of others? Ourselves?

What does it mean to be an insider or an outsider?

What personal qualities help or hinder a person’s growth?

Guiding thoughts to include in your final piece:

 Which of the poems and/or stories had the most meaning for you personally?

 What thoughts and/or feelings did the texts evoke in you. Why?

 What ideas or feelings seem most significant to you? Why?

 Does the literature remind you of anything significant in your own life? Explain.

 How do the stories or poems resonate with your own experience?

 How can reflecting on the differences and similarities help you clarify your own identity as distinct/or similar from/to the character in the text?

Explore the theme of identity and how it connects to the literary works we have studied in this unit. Your final piece can be written, oral, video, PowerPoint, piece of art, music, art, a combination of these or any other idea.(Please see me).

Introduction: explain the theme you’ve identified within the literary works. (Hint; look to EQ’s)

Body: present a well developed personal connection to this theme by employing concrete examples (evidence) from the literary works and by narrating incidents from your own experience and/or ways of thinking. (You’ll find some of this in your formative pieces on your blog—look to what you have done in your responses.)

Conclusion: bring your discussion to a logical and memorable close.

Fully Meeting Meeting Minimally Meeting Not Yet Meeting

Exploration of identity theme

Theme is explored in extensive depth, ideas have been interpreted and personalized, Meaningfully chosen text support is included from multiple sources and is well integrated.

Theme is explored and understood. Some interpretation and personal understanding is evident.

Text support used to express point.

Theme is referred to and basic understanding is demonstrated. Very little text support. Theme is basically referred to but understanding is not evident,

No text support.

Understandings of the concepts of identity

Has an insightful, original and detailed way in explaining and showing their identity(interpreted and personalized)

Has a solid understanding of the implication of the concept of identity

Has included several examples from multiple (diverse) sources Theme of identity is explored and there is some interpretation (personal) evident

Is able to explain show and connect identity with some evidence from a source. Mentions identity and basic

understanding is demonstrated Brief mention of identity

Understanding is not evident

Method of presentation

Format is powerful and captivating, conveys theme, clear effective, engaging, unique choice of material shows and understanding of audience and purpose

The presentation is coherent and organized with a clear and effective pattern of development. Format is unique, theme is clear, focused, effective.

Choice of material shows considerable sense of audience and purpose Ideas are presented effectively, with the format is in consistent organization and pattern. Format is functional, predictable, choice of material shows some sense of audience and purpose Format is incomplete
