Please read the following for next WED. Freak- chps 11-15inclusive. Outsiders read chps 5&6 Your explorer project is due on FEb. 16. There are no more class blocks to work on it. Some of you are almost finished. Keep up the great work.
Read chps 9 & 10 inclusive. If you did not finish your poem in class today, please finish your good copy for WED.
Please read the following for next WED. Freak- chps 11-15inclusive. Outsiders read chps 5&6 Your explorer project is due on FEb. 16. There are no more class blocks to work on it. Some of you are almost finished. Keep up the great work.
Read chps 9 & 10 inclusive. If you did not finish your poem in class today, please finish your good copy for WED.