Vocab logs are due Thurs. Feb 4.
Find quotes to use for your newspaper assignment and essay. Due Thurs. Feb 11
Work on your newspaper project.
ENG 11
Based on today's discussion/activity, what trait do you value the most and why? (Quiet write a quick paragraph).
The traits are: Loyalty, ambition, self-worth, integrity, trust, power
Post a new article, video or web finding for inquiry on Edmodo.
Vocab logs are due Thurs. Feb 4.
Find quotes to use for your newspaper assignment and essay. Due Thurs. Feb 11
Work on your newspaper project.
ENG 11
Based on today's discussion/activity, what trait do you value the most and why? (Quiet write a quick paragraph).
The traits are: Loyalty, ambition, self-worth, integrity, trust, power
Post a new article, video or web finding for inquiry on Edmodo.