- Please complete your new role sheet ready for class on Monday.
- Please finish your journal entry based on the EQ you discussed in your groups as well. THis journal is formative. We will use this journal to help you develop a thesis statement for your essay.
- You should also continue to read your book and you should be well over half way through it to almost finished it.
ENG 11
Ms. ElRamly will be finishing up in two weeks. If you have any outstanding or missing work you need to get it into her by Monday. After Wednesday all previous assignments will be considered "dead"( and assigned a 0). you will have to do alternative work at lunch or afterschool with MS. ElRamly to make up the missing work. She will be gone as of the 24th and I am unable to assess any of her assignments. Please submit any missing work on MONDAY APRIL 13, 2015.