Please work on your create a country project. They are due Oct 25.(Thursday).
Eng 11
For homework today you are writing a paragraph that addresses an EQ. You have a choice, you can connect it to any two pieces we have studied so far. On the board one of the pieces was "Brother Dear". That is fine. SOme of you may find it easier to write about the two poems, instead of doing a short story and a poem.
This is formative and I will be giving you feedback on it. due Friday. Enjoy concert tonight to all the JB fans.
Also part two is to JUST find a song that connects with identity and either upload it or print off the lyrics for Friday's class.
This is formative and I will be giving you feedback on it. due Friday. Enjoy concert tonight to all the JB fans.
Also part two is to JUST find a song that connects with identity and either upload it or print off the lyrics for Friday's class.