What: "What about Jack?": Used jack o lanterns will be launched by a trebuchet onto our field where they smash and be collected for compost
When: Wednesday, November 3 from 3:00-5:00pm
Where: McMath back field / north end of student's parking lot
Why: to encourage composting of pumpkins after Halloween and composting in general and to promote school spirit
Who: the GVRD, Richmond district, the Natural Club, the Link Crew, and student's council will all be involved / participating in some way.
How: the GVRD is setting it up using their engineers and safety plan. The district is cleaning up. We bring the kids and pumpkins.
Here you will find a general description of what is for homework. If you need a copy of the handouts, they will be uploaded to my link on the side bar. Once in the file, select the correct folder for what we are currently studying. Most handouts are there, however some may need to be picked up in class as I do not have a digital version.
Here you will find a general description of what is for homework. If you need a copy of the handouts, they will be uploaded to my link on the side bar. Once in the file, select the correct folder for what we are currently studying. Most handouts are there, however some may need to be picked up in class as I do not have a digital version.