Eng 11
You have read a short story. Think about all the techniques the author used to convey a sense of "darkness" evil, or violence. Write a response either on your blog, as a comment to this post, or handed in as a journal entry. Think about what impacted you the most and why? How did the author do it? Use the questions to guide you and bring in SPECIFIC EXAMPLES FROM THE TEXT TO SUPPORT YOUR ANSWER.
Hum 8
Finish finding out info about your character. You will be presenting this info in an informal session on Tues Jan 19. If you really don't want to do it orally, then you can hand in something written to me.(Otherwise you do not need to hand in anything written.) I will give you some formative feedback as this will be used for your summative assessment at the end of the unit.
In case you left your questions at school, here is the worksheet:
Intro to the Middle Ages: Meeting your character
During this unit you will look at the unit through the eyes of medieval character. You have drawn the role of____________________.
Your first task is to find out about your life.
What would a normal day look like for you?
Where would you live and who would you live with?
What would you wear?
What would you eat? How would you get your food? How would it be prepared?
What would you do for work? For your free time?
Would you have any hobbies?
Would you have nay friends? Any romances?
Were there any people you weren’t allowed to hang around with? Why?
What was your “ place” in society?
What privileges” and rights did you have? What obligations and duties did you have?
What were your possessions?
With the aid of the internet, books and videos, find out as much as you can about your character. You will be introducing yourself to the community at gathering announcing the building of a new cathedral.
I am hoping for this to be oral, however if you want you can write it up and hand it in.
Keep all your notes as you will need them for our summative project. This part is formative!!!!!
Here you will find a general description of what is for homework. If you need a copy of the handouts, they will be uploaded to my link on the side bar. Once in the file, select the correct folder for what we are currently studying. Most handouts are there, however some may need to be picked up in class as I do not have a digital version.
Here you will find a general description of what is for homework. If you need a copy of the handouts, they will be uploaded to my link on the side bar. Once in the file, select the correct folder for what we are currently studying. Most handouts are there, however some may need to be picked up in class as I do not have a digital version.