Here you will find a general description of what is for homework. If you need a copy of the handouts, they will be uploaded to my link on the side bar. Once in the file, select the correct folder for what we are currently studying. Most handouts are there, however some may need to be picked up in class as I do not have a digital version.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Feb 24, 2015


Your compare contrast papers are due on Monday March 2. You need to hand in your peer edit sheet and your good copy along with your rubric. I have your drafts that you have already shared on google docs. Please remember to acknowledge any sources you have used.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Feb 17,2015

Please complete your draft of the compare contrast paper for Tues. Feb. 24

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Feb 17, 2015

Work on your compare contrast paper. You should have finished your introduction, your similarity para and a good part of your difference para for Thursday. We will meet in the computer lab.

Eng 11
Your scenes.

Feb 17, 2015

Mrs. Elramly's Glass Menagerie Prezis:

Tennessee Williams Biography:

Gender Roles:

Friday, February 13, 2015

Feb 13, 2015

Please complete the outline for the compare contrast paper between the movie and the novel And then There Were None. The Director for the movie was Rene Clair. Your outline is due on Tues. I will attach copies in Edmodo if you need extra copies.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Feb 11, 2015


Fakewall needs to be printed off and submitted to me by Friday Feb. 13.

ENG 11

Program planning sheets need to be filled out and submitted next week.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Feb 4,2015

Think about a character from the novel to write your fakewall on Friday. You already have all of your notes. make sure that you bring your novels to class.

ENG 11

Theme statement due on Friday. Remember to bring in rubric to hand in with it. You can return your novels at that point as well.

Monday, February 2, 2015

FEb 2, 2015

Finish your character sheet. Read up until the end of chp. 16(pg. 178)

Eng 11-
For Fri. finish theme statement with evidence.